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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Good Stuff

     I'm late, as usual.  I was up at seven a.m., and I was listening to George Carlin, Bill Maher, and then Howard, who I need to catch up on.
     I just don't feel right in the mornings to do stuff.
     I did write a blog, but it didn't flow too well.
     There is no air in my art studio, but I work with that.  I have no shower, either, to shock my body into awareness.
     Yup, I got problems, and I need to take care of them.
     I don't know how I will solve them, either.
     I have to do something to make a living.
     I was just outside, standing there, reading Conan, smoking, and waking up.
     I'm trying to gather my thoughts together for the day that is to come.

     I did talk to my brother Matt in the chat box this morning.  It was good to talk with him.  He chimed in with his positive spirit.
     I told him I was going to work on 'Space Journey Battles' today, and now I actually have to do it.  That will be no easy task.  I am trying to think about how The Universe in my sci-fi epic will work. 

     I made about ten videos last night.  I don't think any of them I can monetize.  If I take a picture of a person, does that mean I have to get their permission to use the photo?  I get confused about what I can or can not do.  I guess the only thing to do is just to continue, and see what happens.  If somebody complains, I'll take care of it then.
     I put up a couple of videos with prolific use of the F word.  I hope nobody minds.  I know I am walking on thin ice with that stuff, testing the boundaries.  I don't want to get my youtube account canceled.  I put so much work into my channel.  It would be sad to get my account deleted just because of one 'crossing the line' video.
     I don't know if what I put up was any good last night.  Just standard stuff.  Some people will like it, others won't.  Some of the material is funny, some of it makes me cringe, but I still think some body might like it.  I don't know what people like, and what they don't.  I don't want to embarrass myself too much.  I think it may be too late for that.

     My train of thought is interrupted by Tattoo Face.  He is here again, with his irritating voice.  There are five people in a row working quietly on their laptops, and Tattoo Face is talking out loud as if it was a nightclub. 
     I didn't want to mention him in this blog entry, but I can't avoid it.
     He just won't shut up.
     Even coming into the cafe was a big drama and announcement. 
     He just had to make sure everyone knew he was here.

     This entry is destroyed because of him.  I don't know where my thoughts were.
     Another train crash due to Tattoo Face.
     He is my enemy.
     It is nothing personal.
     I just wish he would shut up so I could get some work done.

     I know this place isn't a lending library, but geez, it ain't a social club, either.
     There is some soft jazz going, and people are quietly working.

     I am still rattled by Tattoo Face's nasal, irritating voice.
* * *
     Anyway, I got some hot coffee, a full day ahead, and chances are, it will be like every other day this week.  Prep time getting ready in the morning, cafe time where I blog to high heaven, and then evening time where I play games, watch Babylon 5, and do stuff on my computer until I pass out.
     I am glad I put up ten new videos.  It took me three hours to do it.  The band wasn't playing, so I was able to do the editing and assembling.  I can't make videos when the band is playing, because often I have to record, and I can't have all of their crappy music on my videos.  On some of them I do.  I want the world to hear them, but not in the way they intend.  That is my revenge for them not being good musicians and playing really loud.  It is torture.
     I know they have to play loud when the drummer is going, so they can hear above that, but the drummer sucks, so there ain't a chance in hell of them ever sounding good.
     A drummer is a time keeper.  That is all.  That is the basic function of any drummer.  If the drummer gets too fancy, it can ruin the song. 
     Only drummers who really understand music can really turn drums into a musical instrument, and become a true percussionist, because that is what it all is.
     Anyway, that is enough about drumming.

* * *
     The three stars I've been using as breaks in all my columns.  It seems to service me well.  I'm the third child, so that is why I use three.
     I do call them asterisks most of the time, but I wasn't sure of the spelling at that moment.
* * *
     So anyway, I watched more Babylon 5 last night, and there is a good chance that I will watch more tonight.  I like that show, now that I understand what the hell is going on.

     It is a new day, and it doesn't look like I will get around to painting today, but I will get around to taping up Magic cards.  There is a war going on, you know.

     I've been thinking that it actually is World War III right now.  If it ain't now, there are plenty of things that are leading up to it.
     There is war in the world somewhere every day.
     Until the world knows true peace, humanity will always be at war.
* * *
     You know, George Carlin is really quite good.  His best material is when he has written and memorized every word, and that is no easy task.  George isn't as entertaining as a guest on talk shows for some reason, because he can never top his on stage material. 
     In any case, I'll never be as good as him.
     I will never come close.
     Anyway, he is dead now, but his hits on youtube are going through the roof, that is for sure.

     My hits on youtube aren't going through the roof.  They are lucky to bump into the ceiling.

* * *
     I have to come up with something to make money.  I guess I am just going to have to become some kind of cheap suit salesman of crap that the public will buy.
     At least I am starting to build an audience of some kind, that is something.
     I am trying to be The Little Engine That Could, but trains need maintenance.  Let's put it this way, I am ready for the shop.

* * *
     I'm liking the idea of writing longer and longer blog entries.  If a person goes to the effort of looking at one of my blog entries, I might as well put enough stuff there to keep him there.
     I do want to start giving people the good stuff.
     I have nothing to lose, you know, and new stuff will come up, no problem.
* * *
     I don't know where this blog entry is going.  I just read the whole thing over, and it needs fixing somehow.  I don't know how at the moment.  I'll just let it ride.

     Time for a smoke.

* * *
     I just talked to my friend.  Things we talked about will be put into list form:

     Marauders, Tom Waits, trombone, Magic, Monty Python, Forest Power, Black Metal, lyrics, Slayer, Death Metal, metaphors, vocals, videos, war and rumors of war, Babylon 5, machines, orchestra, trumpet, Magic Cards, Cuba, African Drums, Morse Code, Heavy Metal, Artifacts, Enchantments, Legends, Life, Forests, ideas, public executions, science fiction, recording studios, trains, the sound of trains, music, ducks,
Death Metal Magic Deck,

     It's all good stuff.  We were generating ideas.

     We both show up at the coffee shop at some point during the day, and just hang out there and talk.  So many ideas have come out of our talks.  It is good times.

* * *
     I like Magic the Gathering.  I like the metaphorical value it has.  I can look at anything in the world, and make it into a Magic card.
     I have my work cut out for me today.  I have things to do.

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