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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Time is Running Short - "Quest for SC"

     Time is running short.  I have to go to 7-11 and buy some Station Cash cards for Clone Wars Adventures.  It is Triple Station Cash day.  That means that I can buy a $10 card, and it will give me $30 worth of value in the game.
     For $30, I can get $90 worth of crap.
     It is the most wonderful day of the year.
     I might actually get $30 worth.  That would be rad.  The SC would last me a long time.

     So, buying SC cards is my big task of the day that I absolutely must do.  I want to do this.  What is life without joy? 

     Anyway, I got my coffee, and that always makes me happy.

* * *
     I just talked to the Lurking Informant.  He gave me the information I needed about Snow Plains, Ice Hell, Quentin Tarentino, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Rock and Roll, Bottle Throwing at Concerts, and all kinds of stuff.
     He said 'Ingolourious Basterds' was more of a comedy, and he doesn't like Brad Pitt much.
     The main guy he doesn't like is Tom Cruise.  He finds him to be really awful.
     Then we talked about the Sex Pistols playing in Finland, and lots of people throwing bottles at them at their reunion tour in '96 because they were so bad.
     So, there you go.
     We have good talk sessions, and it is pretty funny.
     It makes me think about all kinds of things.
     Who you hang out with defines who you are.

* * *

     Anyway, I am out of it right now.  I'm still a little groggy.  I had some f**ked up dreams.  I find that if I don't dream, there is no point in waking up, because then all my thoughts will be all messed up and disjointed.
     I really am in no condition to work a job.  I do stuff all day long, I'm up late, so everything is out of whack.  I get a lot done, though.

     My youtube channel has 241,000 hits now.  It is going good.  I am starting to break into the youtube consciousness.  I still have a long way to go.
     Some of these people really make some very entertaining videos.  I watch as many as I can, and I'm always surprised at just how much good stuff there is.  Of course, a lot of it is really bad, but even those can be interesting to watch.
     It's all part of my research in any case.
     I was wondering what was going to be my next video, and I already filmed one at the cafe about my Clone Wars blog.  That will work just fine as my next video.
     My problem is I am trying to get rid of a lot of photos on my computer, and make use of them, but then I keep adding new stuff.

     Also, R.I.P. Star Wars Galaxies.  2002-2011.  I had fun on that game, and I would have played it more, but new games kept coming out, and I can only play one game at a time.
     I guess it would be nice to have two monitors so I can do facebook games at the same time, but maybe that would make it more confusing.

     Quentin Tarentino is so knowledgeable about films, it is amazing.  Maybe there is something to watching a lot of films.  It worked for him.
     He really loves films, and it shows.
     He is a superfan of films.
     His #1 film of all time is 'The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly'.  I have seen it in the last year or two.  It really is pretty good.  Clint Eastwood gives a great performance, and the whole movie is gritty, and realistic.
     In 'Bonanza', everybody's clothes are always ironed and pressed, and that makes no sense on a cattle farm.

* * *
     The idea of making a movie on paper is starting to appeal to me.  I can do it if I want.  It just takes time, like everything in this world.
     I guess the idea is to make the movie that I myself would want to see.  I wonder what that would be at this point?  I have no idea.
     I guess I would want lots of scantily clad babes in my film, though.  That would be cool.
* * *
     I don't know what anything means any more.  All I know is I have to keep going, or die trying.
     It was good listening to Tarentino talk.  It shows to me that knowledge can be gotten from films, and that I had better start watching them all.
     It really does take concentrated effort to watch a film, that's why I like to go watch a movie by myself. so I can think about it in my own way, without worrying about what the person next to me thinks.
     My oldest brother always used to look at me during a film to see what my reaction was to something that was happening on screen.  That was so annoying.

* * *

     It is a nice day, and time is running out.  I have to leave soon, but not yet.  I am still trying to catch my dreams, and see what there is to sift through in my mind.
     I sure haven't been making much art lately.  I haven't had any ideas lately on what to do with it all.
     I am sure I will come up with something.  Maybe my bike ride will help me to think some new things.  It might jar up what is bottled inside.

     I watched a twenty minute hentai video last night.  I was fascinated.  Too bad it didn't have subtitles.  I wanted to know what the hell they were talking about.  There was an usual amount of talking in this video.  The cartoon characters did everything, too.  They went around the world of each other, if you know what I mean.
     It makes me laugh thinking of the animators who went to all the trouble of doing this animation.  I guess there is enough of a market for this kind of animation in Japan to justify them doing it.  This kind of work just doesn't happen in America for some reason.

     Well, it is best that I get going.  I have a quest to obtain some Station Cash from 7-11.  It is the most important thing I will do today.  I also have to go to the ATM and pull out some money.  It is a serious quest.

     Wish me luck.

     Also, 'Hello Russia.'

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