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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Michael Ventura, Mctallica, and The Twilight Zone

     Why would anyone read this blog?  I don't know.  There is no reason.  It isn't written well, it doesn't mean anything, and it doesn't have good information for people.
     Most of it is just me blathering on about any number of things.
     I still haven't gone back into the material, and edited it.  I see no reason to do this yet, as I have no readers who will even notice what I do here.
     So, in a way, it is good, it is all good.
     I am creating for the future.

     Rod Serling's wife finding unpublished scripts in the garage.  That is pretty amazing.

     Also, the fact that The Twilight Zone continues to be a part of our culture.  That is amazing.  Not bad for a bunch of shows shot in black and white starting in 1959.
     The Twilight Zone is legendary.
     I am going to have to watch all of the episodes again.
     Some of the episodes are better than others, though.
     That much is true.
     Some of the episodes just don't quite have that zing.
     Some of the episodes are brilliant, though, and they stand the test of time.

     I wish I could do something cool like The Twilight Zone.  I can't get anyone to collaborate with on my videos.
     Not that I really need anyone.
     I can do it all myself.
     It would be nice to have some other voices, though.
     I get sick of my own voice.
     It isn't easy to get a girl to do original dialogue.

     Anyway, it is time for a cigarette, I think.

* * *

     Mctallica.  That is my new McDonald's name for Metallica, since they want to please everybody.  I have a hard time really getting into them.
     Meanwhile, once I adapted my ears to the ruling sounds of Slayer, I have no problem with them at all.  They do indeed, rule.

     One of the things I was thinking about while I was out there smoking with the bald guy with the tattoos on his head, is, what the hell do people really want to read?

     My favorite author to read on a weekly basis was Michael Ventura.  He was a good writer.  He wrote about deep and meaningful things.  He made me think.
     Often, I had plans, but then he would come out with an awesome article, and I would pore over that for the next hour or two, making sure I had absorbed every word.
     I would like to read his work again.
     To my knowledge, he did publish at least one book.  I've never read it before.
     Wow, Michael Ventura writes for the Austin Chronicle, where he continues his 'Letters at 3 a.m.' column.  That is great.  His columns are published there, too.

     Well, there you go, the link to Michael Ventura.  From there you can get to his other columns published by the Austin Chronicle.  I don't expect a lot of people in Texas to 'get him'.  He is a point of view they aren't used to perhaps, but at least he can give them something to chew on, when they aren't chomping down on barbecue.

     Anyway, I'm glad Michael Ventura is alive and writing.  The world is better for him being in it.
     I have seriously spent so much time reading him in the L.A. Weekly, he has my complete approval rating.  I'm a fan of his.
     He cuts through it all.
     Perhaps I will expand this blog entry some day.  For now, it is just an introduction.

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