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Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Guardians of The Garden

     This is my second most popular blog, behind 'DavidLovins67 Underground Emporium' which is blog with an intended audience for people aged 18 and over.
     This blog is more for a general audience, and therefore has a lot less swearing, and I don't talk about sex things as much.  I restrain myself, because kids might be reading, which I highly doubt anyway.  Kids are busy playing video games.  They don't read text-heavy blogs.
     Uh looks like some old man is going to sit at the table to the right of me.  What a drag.  The whole cafe is empty, and he has to sit right next to me.  Geez.
     Anyway, it is nice to have a blogging day.  I haven't had one of those for three days.
     It's been interesting to work with my other blog, which has over 7600 hits now, and to see people from all over the world reading it, or at least clicking on my stuff.  I don't know if they read it or not, or if it is automated bots.  It's all the same to me.
     Never having blogged before, or taking blogs seriously, well, it's been kind of an adventure.  I'm in uncharted regions.  I don't know what will happen, except I will keep writing, and I will see what happens.
     I know some people are making a living blogging now.  That sounds nice.  I wonder how many hits they have to get?  I have no idea.  And I also don't know why people would read blogs instead of doing other things on the web.  People might like to read blogs on their portable electronic devices, though.  They can't always watch videos on those, but I am guessing they like to read blogs.  All I know is something is happening with all of my written material.  I look at my stats all the time, and there is definitely activity.  Something is happening, little by little.  This can only be a good thing for me.
     I am approaching one-hundred entries on this blog.  I am pretty excited about that.
     You know what?  I have done my research, and I have discovered that one-hundred entries on a blog is not enough.  Once you reach that point, you are just getting started, my friend.  Trust me, this is true.  Plan on doing a thousand entries, even ten-thousand.  All you need is one big-hit blog entry with hits that go through the roof.  The first blog entries you write are just to establish your territory.  It takes a while for your blog entries to come up in searches.  Expect a year to go by before your blog to even gain any kind of momentum.  However, once you do the work, it is on the web forever, and that is a good thing.  Always go through your material, and try to improve it. 
     Luckily, with blogs, you can edit anytime, so take advantage of this feature.  Give people your best work, at all times, if you can.  Take it to the nth.  Do as good as you can.  Entertain people, and make them happy, and you will be rewarded.  They will keep coming back for more.
     I am the kind of person that is doing it the old-fashioned way.  I don't have it in my soul to advertise or promote.  I can't do it.  My job is to write and create the material, and if anybody likes it fine.  If they don't, there is nothing I can do about it, anyhow.
     I am not Earnest Hemingway.  I am not a professional writer.  I do the best I can with what I got, and if you can accept that, then that is cool with me.
     One thing I try to do is to be brutally honest.  I have nothing to lose from this.  It is scary at times to open your soul to people, and to put it on the line every day, but that is my job to do that.  I am an artist, that is what I do, and I am starting to figure out that it doesn't matter if it is with paint or words, it is all the same.  I am exploiting my own personal experiences for profit and gain, so I might as well give people the good stuff.  Like I said, I have nothing to lose.

     It's been a chilly day.  The door is open, so the cold air gets blown in.  It definitely keeps me awake and alert.  This is why this cafe is my blogging location of choice.
     When I woke up this morning, and on the computer, the last thing I am able to do is to write cohesively.  It just doesn't work.  I don't even know who I am at that point in the morning.

     Anyway, I am at Muddy Waters on Valencia and 16th in San Francisco.  It is a great place to be a writer.  Nadjat will serve you up a pretty decent cup of coffee, piping hot.
     I tried to have a couple of art shows here, but they somehow forgot that I was supposed to show.  Ooops.  I would like to show here someday, because I really like the exhibition space.  I like showing in coffee shops more than galleries.  I would rather have people sip on coffee and enjoy my artwork, than being in some stuffy gallery.
     I've been coming here for a couple of years now.
     They used to have more problems with riff-raff street people, but that has calmed down a little, thank goodness.
     Hey, there are some cuties in here now.  Nice.  That is another reason for coming here, girls feel safe at this cafe, and they like it.  Some places can make girls feel uncomfortable, especially if there are creepy guys around trying to pick up on them in the middle of the day.  I do it the opposite way, I let them pick up on me, if they want.  I leave it up to them.  After all, they are The Guardians of the Garden.

     It's odd being an American at times.  I've been influenced by Europe a lot, through art and music, and to be honest....hey, I just saw a girl with an Aubrey Beardsley black and white print on the back of her jacket, was I?  Oh yeah..uh..I get a sense of The Two-Dimensional America.  It is flat in concept and ideas among people.  They work so much and get pretty obsessed with money.  It all just doesn't quite feel right.  Plus, we have a history of genocide killing off all of the natives, and America had a pretty lucrative slave trade going there for a while.  Hmmm...makes you think, huh?

     The girls sat at the table right behind me.  They aren't talking too loud, so that is good.

     There are the kind of people in a cafe or restaurant situation where they either sit by themselves, or they sit near people already there.  It is a strange thing.  Think about what your preferences are and why.  Every once in a while, choose a place different than where you would normally sit.  You'll be surprised when you break out of your routine once in a while.

     Anyway, it is a nice day.

* * *

     'At The Cafe' is still just a working title.  I haven't come up with one that is better yet.  It works and functions for my purposes.
     I believe in the cafe life, though.  It is where the ideas grow and blossom.  The ability to hang out for many hours is a great feature of a cafe.  I can see people come and go.  There is definitely a beginning, middle, and end to any good cafe session.
     I also get to hear people talk, and if don't hear the words exactly, I get to hear the music of their conversation as it blends with the music.  It can be very pleasant.
     Most of what people talk about make no sense to me, though, unless I am in the conversation.
     What I am listening to now is just words and sentences, but I don't know what the context is.
     I often don't know what women talk about.  They are often all over the place in conversation, like an art show that features art pieces that don't correlate with each other.

* * *
     I need ten million hits on this blog, before anything can happen.  That is going to take a long, long time.  A lot longer than it will take with videos on youtube.  They just have more traffic there.

     The Passive Female Thing.  So I've been sitting here typing, and the four girls that were sitting at the table behind me, well, they are gone now.  I guess they talked themselves out.  I turned my head sharply while they were still here, and looked the blond right in the eyes.  I did it with my stone face, unfriendly and unsmiling, which is the way I feel most like myself, where I am just calm.  I feel best that way.  Anyway, she had been looking at what I was doing.  People watch what I do, they've been doing that for years, but they never say a word.  It is annoying.  I'm like a monkey in a zoo, and they watch me like they would a wild animal.  It is all I am to them.  Anyway, I get tired of The Passive Female Thing.  They occupy space but they don't always activate it.  It's all just a big nothing of pretty hair and shoes, talking about stuff that makes no sense to me.  It's easy on the eyes, granted, but there has to be more to human life than just looking good.
     Then, the old man that was near me, when he got up to leave while I was out there smoking a cigarette, I watched him look at my computer set-up with my USB external keyboard propped up by PS1 games so that the angle is more like a typewriter.  He had this puzzled look on his face, and was puzzled by my technology.  Also, he didn't say a word.
     There is something about me that makes people do that.  Looking at me, no one thinks I am capable of anything.
     That is their problem.

     Wow, I just caught another girl looking at my Conan book, and all the things I have here.  Again, not a word.

     Well, I guess I am getting attention, that is something new.  I would guess that people don't know what to think of me, but they are definitely curious.

     Did you know I get more looks from women when they are with a guy?  That is really when girls' eyes are on the prowl.  The guy is oblivious to this, because he is trying to fight off looking at other women, and the girl always gives the guy hell if he looks.  She likes to have the power and be in control.  The guy has to go along with it if he wants admission to the secret garden of earthly delights.

     You know what?  I'm going to have to go into my art studies again, going in from scratch.  I will have to look at cave drawings, and look at art all through history, and try to figure out what the hell I am trying to do.
     Wow, a new girl just sat down at the table to the left.  She had other options, she did not have to sit right next to me, but she did.  I always like to go outside and smoke, and then look to see if they look at my stuff when I am not there, to see what their curiosity is all about.

     It is a different world, and my has it changed.  It is all the same, but we all have so many more toys to play with, and that is nice. 
     I still think that a novel and a sketchbook is more than enough for anyone to carry around, but they like their portable electronic devices a lot.  I can't say I blame them.
     There is a beauty to chicken scratches, pencil, and pen marks, though.  Art school students are privy to this.

     You guys don't know what you are missing sometimes.

     I watched the other day a man watching a college football game.  He was in a gambling pool, and he was going to win the bet.  He was happy about that.
     Gambling and football, what a combination.  It is a national obsession.  I have a tendency that it is more about gambling, and football is just an excuse.

     The girl to the left of me is now wearing a bright yellow sweater.  It is really bright.
     I don't know if she is the calm type, or the nervous type.
     She is also wearing a nice toned-down striped blouse.
     Her shoes are like genie slippers a little.  They are sparkly.
     Her hair is a dark red.
     Her skin is a little pale, and doesn't look like she likes the sun much.

     It is getting to be about that time when I have to go.  It was a good session, though.

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