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Monday, December 5, 2011


  The tall lady who smokes a lot and reads is here.  I've thought a couple of times of painting her, but I don't like to listen to her much.  She actually has a lot to say, but I don't like some of her stuff, and it is just hard to care.  Anyway, I just thought I would mention that she is here.
     I am at point where I am deciding on whether or not to get a second cup of coffee.
     It is funny because it is actually worth my time to get onto 'Clone Wars Adventures' and spread my fame.  It actually does me good.  Those are the kids who watch my videos and give me hits, and help to get my numbers up so that more people can view them, which can only be beneficial to me.
     There is a new guy setting up his laptop.  He has long hair like me.  He is looking all around him, and was looking at what I was doing as he was setting up, acclimating himself to his new surroundings.  He is about to begin.
     I like to write about people in here.  It is fun.
     I really like to write about my family, but they don't like it.  I can't really use their names.  I don't see why, anything I write about them is just going to give them free advertising, but they don't seem to like it.  They get offended, and I don't see what the difference is. 
     I would kill to have somebody write about me, even if it was negative, who cares?  It lets people know that I exist, and then they can go to my stuff and see what I am really about.
     Maybe it is time to go.  The cafe is filling up with people, and it is getting loud in here, what with the conversations, and the cell phone call currently to my right.
     There is also a cute girl with short hair like a boy, with a aqua-blue hoodie on.  She sits cross-legged on the wood bench.  She is awfully cute.  She was laughing earlier to herself, with something she was looking at on the web.  That has happened to me, where I am at the cafe, and I see something that makes me laugh, and I can't help but show it on my face, because it is so ***damn funny.  ( 'god' is the missing word.  It might not be proper to put 'god' and 'damn' together in a general audience blog.  Ridiculous, but that is how the world is these days, with tons of contradictions everywhere. )

     I don't apologize for anything, if I can help it.
     Since I do everything for a reason, there is usually some intent to what I do.

     It's odd sometimes to see people apologize for stuff, as if that is really going to make anything better.  The only way to really apologize is to not do the offending action again.

     Plus, you never know what people will get offended by.

     'The Simpsons' is still pretty offensive to a lot of conservative people.  It's just a cartoon, folks.

     Now that 'South Park' is way more offensive than 'The Simpsons', the conservative watchdogs focus more of their attention on that show.

     You know what folks?  It is a big world out there, and if a kid wants to watch an offensive cartoon, so what?  You should ask your kid why he wants to watch South Park.  He'll probably give you the answer that 'it is funny as all hell'.
     When you are 11, and you see offensive shows, you don't even understand what is going on anyhow, which is the whole point of watching them, so you can learn what is going on in the real world.

     My mother stopped me from seeing 'A Case of Rape' and '10' which were both on television.  I was so mad at her.  I should have taken the t.v. into my room, and locked the door.  I hated that she would censor me as to what I could watch.  That was enough to make me want to watch everything.
     She never talked to me about what I watched on television, anyhow, never was too interested in my life, so what the hell did it matter if I watched a couple of movies?
     I think my mom was a little crazy.  That is something that is not discussed much in my family, because most of my brothers and sisters are a little crazy, too.  Some of them know it, and most of them don't.
     I know for a fact that I am a little crazy, and I am able to talk about that with anybody, but I don't think my siblings can do that.

     Maybe it is time to go.  I don't especially like sitting here with this guy here.  I'm in a groove, though.
     It is hard to get into writing mode, and once I am here, I like to stay for a while.
     I know when I go home, it's going to be all about television and video games, man.

     Anyways, thanks for reading, if indeed, a human actually reads this some day.

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