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Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Normal Sunday

     I just lost my previous blog entry.  Ooops.  It is impossible to recreate.  I lost my connection to the internet when I closed the cover of my laptop.  My bad.
     Some lady was standing over my shoulder, and it made me uncomfortable, so I closed my laptop and walked outside.
     It's all her fault, just because she had to read the photographer's statement for his photography show.
     I overreacted, saying, 'Go Ahead.'
     "I can read it from here," she said.
     I suspected she was also just being nosy about things besides just reading the statement on the wall.

     The lady to the left of me with a laptop is flossing her teeth.  She also has a phone.  An older lady, she looks a little run-down as she chews on her gum.
     She seems like a sketchy kind of lady.

     Anyway, I talked to friend outside.
     We talked about Death Metal Hip Hop, Babylon 5, Harry Potter, The Muppets, Science Fiction, George Harrison, pop culture, t.v. shows.
     It was fun.
     We talk about all kinds of things as we drink coffee and smoke out there.

     Meanwhile a va-va-voom cutie with a laptop and breasts just sat down to the right.  She is very cute.  She is blond and is in her exercise outfit.  Lime-green top, no sleeves.  Her shirt accommodates cleavage.
     She just asked me what the password for the internet was.
     I told her.
     She has a nice voice.
     She is a nice girl.
     Very attractive.
     Very yummy.
     She's just doing her own thing, so I won't bother her, like some guys do.  I don't feel it is my place to bother people, even if they are cute girls.

     So, it is sad I lost my previous blog entry.  It happens.  I don't know if the entry was any good anyhow, just the same old stuff I always write about.
     It is painful when work is lost, though.

     U.S. troops ruined the ancient Babylon archeology site with all their tanks and machines.  Sadam Hussein also did stuff to disregard the site.  It's on wikipedia under Babylon if you want to read about it.

     Let's see, I woke up late, had a hard time getting out of the house, and now I am here.  It's a life.
     The coffee is good, and I like to be around people at least once a day.

     Yup, it is my birthday.  Mostly, it is just a normal day.
     I was thinking about going out last night, but I never got it together enough to do that.

     I still haven't gotten around to shaving yet.  I'm going to have to do that today.  I'm sick of my beard.

     Now the cute girl is being talked to by her guy friend.  How cute.

     I guess the main thing I think about is how I need a job.  I wonder how that is all going to work out.

     Wow the girl in the lime green shirt and black tight pants has some booty on her.  She is real fleshy in a real good way.  I like it.

     George Harrison.

     I guess I had better save this article before I lose this one, too.

     That is a pretty good picture of George, how it really is him, addressing the viewer with his savior-jesus look.  It's a cool picture.  I like it.  I am glad I found this one, and can now share it with you.
     I like George.     

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