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Monday, December 12, 2011

The Resistance

     Basically, I've been watching Babylon 5.  It is a great show.  I can't get enough.  I love it.
     The 'King Arthur' episode in season 3 with Michael York was a toss off, though.  He was Logan, from Logan's Run, and the whole episode was a disappointment.  The only thing it did was to set it up that things would be going into the past.
     I don't know how they worked it contractually that Sinclair would come back in season 3.  I don't know how they got him to agree to one year as the captain, a reprise in two years, and that was it.
     I actually liked the show better with Sinclair as captain.  I like his voice.  Sheridan will always be the replacement.
     Anyway, now I hate the doctor, and I like G'Kar a lot.
     I like Vir, and Londo is a bastard, but he is a loveable, fat bastard.

     The Resistance?  I must fight the powers that be, or join them.  I must survive or die.
     I am going to have to find a lifelink pretty damn soon.

     The war went well last night, though, I could have done better.  I won a game, but that is not good enough.  I must destroy them.  It is war, and the time to strike is next Sunday.  I have all week to prepare.  I must crush them once and for all.
     I am, of course, talking about Magic The Gathering.

* * *

     I am, here at the cafe.  We got a full house here for a Monday afternoon.
     You know, I don't know how in f*** I'm going to get my writing and drawing done if I have to have a job.  It is going to throw a wrench in my engine.
     Who do I work for?  Who am I loyal to?  Who will hire me?  I don't have an answer to these questions.

     I stand at 91,000 credits on 'Clone Wars Adventures'.  I don't have much longer to go until I hit 100,000 credits for the first time.
     I bet I can spend it all in a half hour.  It would not be hard to buy 100 items worth a thousand each.  It would be quite easy.  So actually, I can spend it all in two minutes, come to think of it.

     Unfortunately, I am a minor personality.  I am only good in small doses, if that.  In conversation, with my peers, I am just barely a contributor.  I am not bright, and I don't have much to say, and I'm not funny.  It sucks to be me.
     Yet, I do have my qualities, and I'm going to have to try and make them work for me.

* * *

     There is a girl on the phone behind me.  I sit in the middle of the cafe.  All of my favorite places were taken.
     The girl sounds like she is French.
     She is kind of a plain looking girl, but is pretty, nonetheless.
     Long, brown, straight hair.

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