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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sunday Confusion

     Hi, it is Sunday, and about the only thing I want to do right now is to play Monopoly Millionaires on facebook.  I like that one.
     The internet is kind of slow here at the cafe.  They need to install a repeater, or something in the cafe to make the signal stronger.
     Anyway, I need more coffee.
     I am still waking up.
     I am out of ideas right now.
     I woke up and drank some Rainier.  It is good beer.  It is very high in alcoholic content.  Also, I like the taste.
     I guess I am still recovering from getting hammered on Friday night.
     I stayed home last night, and just watched Babylon 5 and took it easy.
     My brother made a video of him and my other brother.  I enjoyed watching it, but it was a little rough.  I wish my oldest brother would just be himself instead of trying to act.  It doesn't work.  I would rather just watch a real dialogue instead of trying to stage it.  I was glad to see the video anyhow.  It was fun to watch, since I knew both the people in it.
     It is real nice to sit here in the cafe and write about anything that comes to mind.
     I got some jazz to listen to today.
     I don't know what else to talk about that would be of interest to anyone.
     All I know is that I have some organizational issues with my Magic cards, and I have to address that today.
     It is a very late start for me today.  I'm going to have to get it together somehow.  It's never been easy for me, since I have so much going on all the time.
     I am the Lord of Chaos.  I could use some more order in my life, maybe things would go better.
     Art comes from The Primordial Ooze, though.  I need the Chaos  to create Order out of it.
* * *
     Or, I could just leave right now.  I've done my work here.
     I had plans to blog at home last night, but I never got around to it.  I was playing Clone Wars and watching Babylon 5 one episode after another.
     One more coffee might be nice, though.
     It was fun to have an extended talk session with the guys, though.  Four guys talking smack can get pretty funny.  It takes that many people to keep the dialogue going.
     I seem dry today.  Usually, I have tons of stuff to write about.  I guess I have pressing things that need to be done at home, though, and I can't do them if I am stuck here writing.
     I did see a girl in Babylon 5 who was an extra in one scene.  I used to see her in the coffeeshops in L.A.  She had a square but very interesting face, so it was no surprise to see her at the front of the crowd.  She is just interesting to look at, no wonder they put her there.
     Anyway, what now?  What a life it has been.
     Lots of pretty girls always make me happy.
     Youth is nice to look at.
     Men and women are funny creatures.
     Let's see, what else?
     This counter lady is a little slow.  She takes her own sweet time.
     I need more coffee but I want to go, too.
     I can't be two places at once, that is impossible.
     If I don't leave now, I will be stuck here for another coffee.
     Maybe I should stay.
     Maybe I am confused today.
     So be it, I will enjoy the hell out of it then.
     Maybe I will edit this entry later when I figure out what I was trying to do.
     I love to just type and let the words come out.  I don't know what the hell I am talking about right now.  I don't even know if it matters, as long as it isn't spam, I can write whatever I want.
    So many things to do, I am over-whelmed.  I took a look at this piece of art I had started, and it will take some work before it is done, and I don't know if it is worth it or not.
     I wish I could smoke in here, that would be fun to type and smoke.

     Amy is the counter girl's name, I just asked her.  She's a nice lady, actually.  She just has her own rhythm about things is all.

     It's going to be another night at Specs tonight.  It should be fun.
     I actually did want to go out last night, but I figured it would be better to stay out of trouble.  I have a tendency to get into trouble.  Sometimes it is just better to stay in.

     I need a make-over.

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