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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pearl Harbor and The Bible

     December 7th.  Isn't today the anniversary of Pearl Harbor?  I'm not sure.
     I just looked it up on wiki.
     Yup, today is the anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack.

     Thank god for wikipedia, so I can get information pretty quickly.
     To verify information in the library takes so much time.

     I used to waste so much time in the library.  Sometimes I would spend an hour in there, and I still hadn't found what I was looking for.

     The older woman with the little Toto-like black dog just left.  She was sitting on the left of me.

     Anyways, I am thinking about stuff that people might actually want to read, as opposed to what I write about, which is just all a bunch of crap off of the top of my head.
     So much of writing involves research.  Facts have to be backed up, otherwise things fall apart.

     Good writing takes time, and there are no short cuts.

     Thank god that I read as much as I did as a kid.  Reading takes time, and it was good to get a foundation of words.

     We read The Bible, in parts.  I still haven't read the whole thing from cover to cover.  It is tough reading in parts, and doesn't always make a lot of sense.  Reading The Bible has become a chore for me.  I don't really enjoy reading The Bible anymore.  It no longer serves me as a basis for anything.  I am weary of people referring to it, and I am weary of referring to it myself.
     True, there are some good stories in there, and some beautiful passages contained in The Bible....but who cares?  So many people have attached their meanings to it, that reading it is no longer fun for me.

* * *

     I am starting to enjoy coming up with bizarre titles on my blog entries, so that they will come up in a variety of searches some day.
     Who knows?  Maybe my writing work will improve, and I will get some kudos.
     You never know what can happen in this world if you work hard.

     I'm not really into working hard at manual labor, though.  It is not my bag.

     I could be standing somewhere with a shovel, digging a ditch, like what a lot of people have to do.  That sounds like it would suck ass, to be honest.

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