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Monday, December 5, 2011

The Aftermath

     Well, suffice it to say, I got a little drunk last night, and I got sick.
     Luckily, I threw up outside.
     Throwing up inside a bar is not good.
     It was not the best birthday I've ever had.
     It was a pretty normal day.
     I haven't even begun to have a birthday yet.
     To think, the highlight of my birthday was shaving off my beard.
     Thank god that thing is gone. 
     I was getting pretty sick of that beard.
     I'm pretty sick of avast! antivirus.
     Every day, I have to see their pop-ups.
     I am glad that avast! works pretty good, but it is so annoying to the user.
     Why in fuck do I have to be aware of avast! every goddamn day?
     Why can't it just work without me having to know it is working two times a day?
     Anyway, I'm in recovery mode from my drinking last night.
     I had better publish this entry before something goes wrong and I lose it all.

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