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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

L.A., S.F., Porn, Jane Fonda, and other stuff

     San Francisco isn't really where it is at.  Los Angeles is.  That is where things are happening.
     I've been in San Francisco since 1996 as kind of a refuge, and a safe place to live.
     It is a happy place for me, and it is beautiful.
     The air is clean.
     The people are nice, mostly.
     For art, there is a lot more going on, with more artists, and more things happening.
     There is industry down there, and if you really want to find a job, you can find one.
     Here, my opportunities are limited.
     However, I must continue to try and make it happen for me here.

     You know, I can't write at home.  I have other things going on there.  I get sucked into everything I have going on with my computer, and with games, and the mess of my art studio, and all kinds of things.
     My art studio is so visual, that I don't really get into text mode.  I have to come to the cafe to do that.
     Since I started bringing my laptop here to the cafe, I have done no art, no drawing of any kind, no nothing.
     But I have written a lot, that is for sure.
     I like to write, it is fun, and enjoyable.
     I feel like I am on an open road.
     Whether or not anything will ever come of this is besides the point.
     I have a lot of things in my head that just need to come out.

     I watched some porn last night.  I find it entertaining.  I don't watch a lot of it.  I do like to see bodies, though.  That is nice.  It makes me feel that I am part of the human race, and not the only one with desires.  Plus, some of those 18 and over girls are pretty cute.  I like to watch the women, too, all of them, in all of their glory.
     I don't think it is wrong to look at porn.  I think it is pretty normal.  I just feel that I am lucky that content is available.
     It is always a repressed society that does not allow porn, or people who feel bad because of it.
     I don't see how it matters in the least.
     I like to look at all kinds of women, and I find that just going out with one woman is somewhat limiting, when there is so much to experience in this life.
     Every woman is different.

     Anyway, that is my experience.  Some will agree with me, others won't.
     I don't have to worry much since nobody reads what I write, haha.
     I know that someday they will, though.
     Welcome to America, that is what is great about the whole thing.  I can write what I want.  That is The American Way that we are all trying to protect.
     'Freedom of Speech' is a pretty important thing.

     I am still trying to figure out if the pen, or in this case, the laptop is indeed mightier than the sword.

     The effect of my words so far is like trying to stab an ancient pyramid with a ball point pen.  It doesn't work.

     So, my days involve somehow waking up, pulling myself together, somehow making it to the cafe, somehow managing to write 2-5 blog entries, and then going home, where I often play video games all day long, maybe make a video or two, and watching a movie.
     It is a good life.
     I have to come up with a way to make a living, though, that is always a problem.
     I need a commercial skill.
     These days, most of my success is on youtube.  My channel has 230,000 hits now, and climbing every day.   I am working towards a million, and I'm going to get it.
     Of course, I'm late in the youtube game.  People got their start years before.  I am a newcomer trying to make good.
     I used some naughty words in my 'Gone With The Wind' video, but I kept laughing, and so I thought other people might like it, too.
     Naughty words are my weapon against conservatism, which I hate.  I can't stand the ignorance.  They think that because you are intelligent, and you use difficult words that you are liberal.  To me, conservatives equal stupid people with horse blinders, and liberal people are just those that happen to read more.
     The idea of a 'conservative think tank' is a little scary.  That stuff is mostly designed to get stupid people to give them money, and they think tank about how to do that all day long.

     Bush, now Obama.  Odd to see people criticize Obama now.  At least with Bush, they were somewhat justified.
     No matter who they elect, The President will become a punching bag for somebody.
     It does look like, that no matter what happens in a person's Presidency, that speaking engagements and other financial opportunities pop up.
     I think The Clinton's are doing quite well these days, thank you very much.
     Gerald Ford ended up pretty rich, I think.
     People in this country get sentimental over the years about their Presidents.  Even Nixon.  In his case, though, there will always be people who will remember him for what he did, and it ain't kind.

     Jane Fonda will always be hated by some people, no matter what.

     The internet is so slow where I am sitting, it sucks that I ended up sitting here.  Never again do I want to sit at this table because of that.  It is a real nice spot, though, so it is sad to not be able to work.  It is not always easy to get all the conditions to be right in anything in this life.
     Leave it to humans to make sticking a penis into a vagina the most difficult thing to do on Earth, when it is actually the most simple of things.
     Not easy to get a girl to go along with you.
     I just read an article about cops sleeping with underage explorer scouts of both sexes.  Naughty, naughty cops!  Bastards!!
     I just read up on Jane Fonda.  Basically, my father hated her for what she did in North Vietnam.  As a kid, I didn't know what was going on. 
     All I knew is that there was this bad lady by the name of Jane Fonda.

     I've been trying to understand what the hell was going on with her ever since.  Thanks to wikipedia, I could finally read up on it. 
     Sheez, I waited 39 years for answers about Jane Fonda.

     The last time I saw her on t.v. was she had fallen asleep during a baseball game with The Atlanta Braves sitting next to Ted Turner.

     Anyway, my time at the cafe is about done.  I don't know what the hell else to write about right now.  Plus, I got things to do.

     Kind of funny that a soldier spit on Jane Fonda's face.

     Jane will always be Barbarella, basically.

     Personally, it doesn't bother me what Jane Fonda did.  It never affected me.  I did enjoy 'On Golden Pond', and I liked '9 to 5'.
     Basically, Jane is an actress, following the tradition of Hollywood people who get involved in politics, when they might actually not know much about it, because, of course, they are actors, and most of the time they are working with material written for them by other people.
     When Hollywood people start talking about politics, they are using their own words, and it doesn't always come out to good.
     I watched Ben Affleck talk politics with Bill Maher, and Ben kind of made my stomach turn.  It was so painful to watch him try and say anything about politics.  He should stick to bad films.

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